Saturday, 1 December 2012


            First of all, in this semester 1 session 2012/2013, I am taking subject  ICT in Science Education. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology in Science. Our class was teach by Encik Azmi. He is very kind and tolerance. Through the semester, I learn so many things about ICT, such as the rationale and advantages of ICT applications in Science education. Besides, we also learn about simulation, data logging, interactive whiteboard, blogger and other ICT applications. Purpose of this courses is to create or produce teacher that creative and innovative in create something interesting that want to introduce to students.

            Through this semester, many things that we have learn. Firstly, we have to completely a task of simulation. For this semester, the simulation is to do STELLAR. STELLAR is Sustaining Technology Enhanced Learning at a LARge scale, is an EU project represents the effort of the leading instituitions and project in European Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) to unify our diverse community. This is first time to do experiment by using computer. It was very interesting and more understand. I was doing experiment about predator-prey experiment. This assignment was do an individually.

            In addition, we also have to do data logging. For this assignment, we do in group. Data logging is the process of using a computer to collect data through sensors, analyze the data and save and output the results of the collection and analysis. Data logging also implies the control of how the computer collects and analyzes the data. In data logging, it have 3 important component, which are engage, empower and enhance.

            Finally, the most interesting assignment is do e-portfolio and save in blog. This is first time I create blog. I found, it was very interesting because we can write anything to express our feeling. Besides, in this e-portfolio, we must complete several element which are, philosophy that includes national philosophy, science education philosophy and my teaching philosophy. Then, all assignment, video, picture, reflection, resumes and certificates.

            Lastly, I want to say thank you very much to Encik Azmi that teach me through the semester about ICT. In Sha Allah, I wiil apply what I was learn to my future students and make science subject as easier and interesting subjects.    

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